Monday, June 3, 2013

Fawns on Upper A

Note the following experience of Dan and Pat Kolner last Friday night:

On our way to fish fry this Friday evening, we happened upon newborn twin fawns, one laying on the shoulder of the road and other attempting to cross but collapsing in the middle of Upper A when its wobbly legs could carry it no further. After stopping to wave around a car traveling traveling in the opposite direction, a decision had to be made. While physically moving the fawn was not our first choice, laying on Upper A on a Friday evening would certainly have resulted in an unfortunate result, so I opted to move the fawn to the side of the road where it joined its sibling. Upon returning to the scene after dinner, both fawns were gone and had presumably joined their mother back in the woods.

Please be careful out there, drive slow and keep your eyes open !