Thursday, September 26, 2013

Spider Lake Town Hall Beautification Project

In an effort to spiff up town hall where we hold meetings, I am soliciting framed photographs to hang on the wall.  Photographs should be taken in the Town of Spider Lake and should depict the natural beauty of the area: wildlife, plants, landscapes, sunsets, etc.  It is preferable that no man made objects are in the photo or the objects should not be the subject of the photo.  Size of photos would vary between 5 x 7's and 8 x 10's, perhaps larger. 

I am soliciting Spider Lake Association as well.  The end result would be 5 to 7 framed photos of the some of the reasons we spend time here.  The individual donor as well as the Association would be recognized for their donation(s). 

There is no deadline, but my goal would have this project completed by August 2014.
Any questions or interest can be directed to the, from which we will forward on to Jo.


Jo Mazik, member of Quiet Lakes Association


Monday, September 9, 2013