It was a sunny, day in July and my daughter, grandchildren and myself were swimming by our place.
We noticed a family of ducks coming our way and the children ran to get some bread to feed them. This family of ducks consisted of a Mom and 10 teenagers. Everything was going well until another family of ducks approached us. This second family was a Mother and 5 downy babies.

We continued feeding both families but the teenage ducks began chasing the downies away. However, the downies were not about to be chased away and when they persisted, the teenage ducks would grab the babies around the neck and dunk them! This caused Mother #2 to go after the teenagers and then, to our horror, the two Moms began flapping their wings and attacking one another.
At this point, my daughter waded into the water hoping to chase them apart and away. Although her presence stopped the fighting, neither family would leave.
We decided that it was best for us to leave the scene. Perhaps with no more chance of food, the war would end.
We checked back a few hours later and found no injured ducks so I guess a truce had been reached.